The workers’ compensation claim process isn’t straightforward. Each state has different workers’ compensation laws that affect the process. One question insureds often ask is, “how long can workers’ comp claims stay open?” When a work-related injury happens, the...
Workers’ Comp 101
Where and when to look for a workers’ comp exemption
When procuring workers’ compensation for your client, there will be cases where not everyone on the company payroll needs coverage. In other words, those employees (or non-employees) are “exempt” from workers’ comp. Understanding workers’ comp exemptions can help your...
What Are Workers’ Comp Limits?
Laws & Regulations, Workers' Comp 101
Workers' comp limits and what they mean—for workers' and employers Your workers' compensation policy is so much more than a mandatory insurance product. It protects your workers in the event of an injury or illness, and simultaneously wraps around your business—paying...
What are Loss Runs and How to Get Them
What are Loss Runs and How to Get Them - Workers Comp 101 Good, bad, or ugly, every business has a well-documented history of all their past insurance claims—or lack thereof. The details of a company’s past claims can be found in their loss runs. ...
Brokers Beware! Ghost Policies Come with Spooky Consequences
Compliance, Risk, Workers' Comp 101
It’s late one night as you sit at your desk catching up on work. You don’t mind. There’s a full moon, and you have a cup of coffee to keep you company. But, out of the corner of your eye, you think you see something odd in a stack of papers on your desk. You...
How to Pitch the Switch to a New Carrier
Business Growth, Sales & Productivity, Workers' Comp 101
It’s policy renewal time for a client you’ve been working with for several years. The incumbent carrier you’ve inherited is good — but not great. Service times are slow, claims management is disjointed, and underwriting isn’t particularly accommodating either. To you,...
Safety Terms Every Broker Should Know
Education, Safety, Workers' Comp 101
Talking safety can look like an alphabet soup of acronyms. You know about OSHA, but there’s a whole library of safety terms and jargon that industry professionals use. When meeting with your workers compensation clients, you’re likely to hear a few unfamiliar...
What You Don’t Know About Insurance Fraud
Everyone has heard a worker comp fraud story. The worst of these tales are pretty egregious — like a worker purposely injuring themselves or an employer neglecting to file claims to avoid premium increases. There’s so much talk about insurance fraud and, specifically,...
What if a Subcontractor Doesn’t Have Workers Comp? A Broker’s Guide
Laws & Regulations, Workers' Comp 101
Your clients come to you with payroll in hand and a list of their class codes. But could they be missing some vital information that directly impacts their policy premium? As you well know, the answer is yes! Failing to include relevant subcontractors in workers...
How to Spot Errors on Your Client’s Ex Mod Report
Compliance, Risk, Workers' Comp 101
Every broker wants to provide clients with accurate coverage at a premium that doesn’t break the bank. Usually, your job is to find the insurer with a risk appetite that matches your client’s history and help your client work towards a future with lower claims. One...
Getting an Accurate View of Your Client’s Payroll from Day One
Business Growth, Risk, Workers' Comp 101
You’ve finalized the deal and are preparing to onboard your new client. Payroll books and past payroll audits are on their way to your inbox. But will they be enough to provide you with a deep understanding of your client’s employment landscape? Let’s walk...
Guiding Your Clients Through Workers Compensation Claims
Compliance, Incidents & Claims, Workers' Comp 101
Do you know the true cost of inaction? It’s more than you think. Your client’s costs can increase by 51% if they do not report a workers compensation injury in good time. For even the largest of companies, this can be a devastating mistake. The increased claim...