Looking for a quick list of sales tips to pep you up? Spark that creative fire? Motivate you off the couch?
Here are the best we got:
Sales Tips #1: Creating Quick Connection with Clients
Making solid connections with clients has always been important in insurance sales. However, it is even more important now to connect, in real ways, in our increasingly isolated social climate.
So, how can you establish real connections with your clients, quickly?
- To start, by listening. Listening actively and asking attentive questions is the first key to quick connection. Whether you are talking to someone face-to-face, by zoom, or over the phone, your priority is to make your clients feel heard.
- “Feel” is the power word here.
Do what you can to make them feel the connection – repeat back what they said, ask good follow-up questions, make eye contact, and use engaged body language. Feel their pain and offer them solutions only after they feel listened to.
- After listening, piggy back off of what they think the solution to their problem is. This is easy if you agree with what they are saying. “You want a final expense policy? I agree that you need one. Let’s get you set up with a good solution.”
- The harder situation is if you do not agree with what they think they need. The worst thing you can do is tell them flat out you think they are wrong.
What to Do if You Think Your Client is Wrong
In this case, you need to validate their feelings and ideas without actually agreeing with them. How to do that?
- First, make sure you explain that you heard what they are feeling and saying they need.
- Then, talk about both the pros and cons of the ideas they have.
- After mentioning the cons, mention how you believe they might experience this negative aspect.
- Then, mention how your proposed solution would solve that “con” and turn it into your opportunity to educate them on the product or service you would suggest.
Sales Tips #2: You Are Their Expert Resource, Not A “Salesperson”
Finally, remember you are in the position to recommend – not sell – your services. Insurance is a product that truly improves people’s positions and security in their lives. If you are an independent agent, you most likely have several different solutions, products and companies for each problem you are advising your clients on.
You are their expert resource, not a pushy salesperson. Moreover, you are leading people toward their own right decisions – not just telling people what you think they should do.
By listening to and then validating your client’s wants, needs and even feeling, you will create a connection with them. As a result, even if they are not ready to buy now, when they are ready, they will come to you first.
Sales Tips #3 – Closing Sales By Creating Urgency
As a sales expert (or aspiring expert), you may already know, words are powerful.
Different types of words activate different parts of our brains. Sometimes, when our brains are stuck in a holding pattern of indecision or fear, all it takes is the right word, said with the right energy, to snap us out of it and move us to action.
“Now”, is one of these words.
Decision making requires an impetus or positive force. You are now that positive force for your clients, and your words are their map forward.
How to Lead Your Clients to a Decision Quickly
- First, using words that create a sense of urgency will help your clients to understand that their decisions are important, and that there is no time like the present to make good decisions for themselves and their families.
- In insurance, we are fortunate that our products for our clients are truly helpful and often necessary for the security of our clients and their loved ones. We are in the best place to be able to LEAD, not sell, and your words can help your clients.
- As a result, using urgency in your language, and activating your clients’ desire to move forward, will save them time and resources (mentally and monetarily) in the long run. They can decide and then move on to other important activities.
According to sales expert Chalene Johnson, “When you don’t set the urgency with NOW, your customer is likely to go through the whole process of evaluating your offer / how much it costs / and reviewing it all over again. And, repeat.”
No one has time for that. Not you, and not your client.
Set your goal to speak to clients with intention this week, and harness the power of urgency.